Leeds, England
10th International
History, Philosophy, and Science
Teaching (IHPST) Conference
(2009) Notre Dame, Indiana
"But What Does It Look Like? The Use of the
History of Science
in One High School's Biology Classrooms"
Teaching Science Through History Conference (SHiPS)
(2009) Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Wallace's Theory of Natural Selection"
9th International
History, Philosophy, and Science
Teaching (IHPST) Conference
(2007) Calgary, Canada
"Using the Age of
Discovery to Teach
Biological Classification
and Enhance High School
Students’ Conceptions of the NOS"
8th International
History, Philosophy, and Science
Teaching (IHPST) Conference
(2005) Leeds, England
"Historical Case Studies: Fostering High School Biology
Students' Conceptions
of the Nature of Science"
Canadian Society for
the Study of Education (CSSE)
(2005) London, Canada
"The History of Biological Classification and the Nature of
7th International
History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching (IHPST) Conference
(2003) Winnipeg, Canada
"The History of Biological Classification: Political and
Social Events that Shaped
History of Science (HOS)
Annual Meeting
(2003) Cambridge, Massachusetts
Panel on Education and the History of Science
for Histochemistry (joint with the MSU Undergraduate Research
(1997) East Lansing, Michigan
"The Effects of Cisplatin and Poly Plat on
Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH) in the Rat Liver
and Kidney"
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