Science Forum
Courses Taught
Professional Tidbits






About Dr. Friedman


Contact Information:



    voicemail: 248-956-4645

                     (checked every other week)


Teaching Schedule:

     1st Hour:       Biology

     2nd Hour:      AP Biology

     3rd Hour:       Biology

     4th Hour:       AP Biology

     5th Hour:       Prep

     6th Hour:       Physics




Science Forum

    This link will send you to current course  

    materials and calendars.


Courses Taught

    This link will send you to a list of classes that 

     I have taught and am currently teaching.


Professional Tidbits

     This link provides some insight into my

     professional background.



     This link will send you to a page detailing

     some of my personal interests.







Home | Science Forum | Courses Taught | Professional Tidbits | Interests

This site was last updated 08/24/09